Singing Guide: Easy Rider

Singing Guide: Easy Rider

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Easy Rider is a classic American film that showcases a variety of genres and has had a significant impact on modern cinema and pop culture. However, many people may not know that it also features one of the most iconic and unique voices in American music.

The late, great singer and songwriter, Karen Dalton, has a voice like no other. Her husky, bluesy delivery is often imitated, but never replicated. To learn to sing like Karen Dalton, it's important to understand her unique style and what made her voice stand out.

One of the key elements of Karen Dalton's voice is her use of vibrato. She was known for using a slow, pulsating vibrato that added depth and emotion to her performances. Singers looking to emulate her style should practice incorporating this effect into their singing.

Another element that made Dalton's voice so special was her phrasing. She often sang behind the beat, giving her performances a laid-back, relaxed feel. To replicate this style, it's important to spend time studying Dalton's music and practice singing with the same rhythms and timing she used.

In terms of specific songs to focus on, Karen Dalton's version of "Katie Cruel" is a great example of her unique style. It showcases her vibrato and phrasing, as well as her ability to convey deep emotion through her singing.

To develop these skills further, the Pitch Training section on Singing Carrots is a great place to start, giving singers access to interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises for range and agility. Additionally, the Vocal Pitch Monitor can assist learners to see their sung notes on a virtual piano, allowing them to adjust their pitch and technique as needed.

Resources like the Singing Course can also be incredibly useful. This 21-lesson program covers singing theory and practical tips in depth, giving learners a strong foundation in which to develop their own unique voice.

In short, learning to sing like Karen Dalton is an achievable goal for singers of all skill levels. By studying her style and incorporating Singing Carrots resources and practical advice, singers can develop their own unique sound while still paying homage to one of the most distinctive voices in American music history.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.